Take a bow with Beatrix Brown

Beatrix Brown is an up-and-coming clothing and accessories label based in London, with an admirable company policy that promises to bring customers the very highest in catwalk fashion at the very lowest high street prices. Beatrix Brown also endeavours to design and manufacture all of its garments right here in the UK, which is great for all you eco-conscious fashion followers out there.
A great range of really feminine and versatile pieces, most of the garments can be worn as hair accessories, but then double up as neckties or brooches – providing excellent value for money! With Britain’s fashion sweetheart Alexa Chung and the US “New Girl” Zooey Deschanel trailblazing the trend of modern takes on vintage fashion, it won’t be long until these bows are everywhere.
The lovely people at Beatrix Brown have allowed us a sneaky peak at their passion for all things vintage by using a collection of adorable, classic, vintage-inspired fabrics. The accessories can be bought online; however, if you are interested in the clothing collection it is exclusively boutique only. Take a visit to their website to find out if there is a stockist near you.
Nicole Morley