Are you ready for The Good Fashion Show?

The Good Fashion Show is hosting an amazing fashion emporium at the London House on 18 February. So what actually is The Good Fashion Show? We all think that fashion is ‘good’; after all, it makes us look amazing, feel better about ourselves and pleases the eye on a Saturday afternoon of ‘window shopping’. When it gets to the point where the subject matter is affecting our daily lives, urgent action needs to be taken.
Rest assured I’m not addressing any of you shopaholics out there, instead I’m asking the question: do you know where your clothes come from? Without saying ‘Topshop’ or ‘River Island’; I mean do you actually know where they come from? Such as who made them and how? Whether they’re made from fair trade materials in an eco-friendly factory? Or if the employees who made the outfit that you’re wearing right now were paid fairly and treated humanely? If your answers to the latter are a resounding no (as mine were), then you need to attend The Good Fashion Show.
Promoting both ethical and sustainable clothing, this project focuses on educating the public about eco fashion. It offers a unique insight into the ever-growing world of the industry, and the effect it can have on our daily lives and on our planet earth too.
Curious? You should be! Why not come along on 18 February and shop the collections from fair and friendly designers? Watch the stunning catwalks showcasing some of the most desirable and organic clothing within the industry, or attend an innovative talk about the fascinating world of ethics, sustainability, culture and fashion.
With mantras such as “Dress Up, Resource Down” and “Change is just an outfit away”, The Good Fashion show is going to be one of the places to visit during London Fashion Week. With all eyes on what you’re wearing, make it fashionable, fair trade and GOOD!
For more information, check out The Good Fashion Show online by clicking here.
Mel Jeffery