It’s all about the money with Désir, Luxe & Vertu

What do Bernie Madoff, Sean Parker, Hugh Hefner and Mark Zuckerberg have in common? They all have their faces on t-shirts exclusively designed by French brand Désir, Luxe & Vertu. The brand describes itself as: “a new French brand of t-shirts about billionaires for billionaires or not. Unusual billionaires with an incredible charisma and, oh well who cares, they are billionaires!”
Literally translated, the brand means desire, luxury and righteousness. It makes quite the mockery out of what the value of money is nowadays. These men on the t-shirts represent icons we recognise today. It all comes down to the dollar sign and how much they make, made or swindled from other people.
What makes this brand unique and fascinating is that the people who are chosen all seem to be posing for a mug shot. Well, one thing is for sure, they are guilty of being richer than the average person.
If you are looking for an original gift for someone with a great sense of humour I suggest taking a peek through Désir, Luxe & Vertu’s lookbook. It is definitely eye-catching and brings this sense of realisation that money does indeed make the world go round.
Click here to see the rest of the collection.
Pooja Sahny