Head out with a TRKFLD on your arm

Everybody needs a bag of some sort: whether you’re travelling to work in a city or are off to the gym, bags are very important. It is often hard to find a bag which can fit in all the things you need for everyday life: book, laptop, phone, charger, pens, purse/wallet, lunch and all of the other useful things that get thrown into your bag on a daily basis. It needs to be durable enough to withstand all of these things. Well, this is where Track and Field come in. Track and Field make practical, sturdy and stylish bags for everyday life, whether you have 20 kids or three dogs, Track and Field bags can fit your necessities and they look super-cool too.
Track and Field create bags which are a little different from the norm – their bags are not in dull, boring colours, nor are they impractical. Using non-traditional materials, Track and Field are able to create durable and individual products. The fabrics that Track and Field use are full of history; using only materials which are tough, those used in the products are from Sunbrella, a company that keeps a continuous focus on sustainable fabrics. They only use sturdy, reclaimed materials for their products, making the Track and Field bags “super tough.”
The clever amalgamation of practical design with unique and interesting, but durable materials, makes Track and Fields’ bags very eye-catching and appropriate for people to use all over the world; as Track and Field say themselves, they “make products for the moving masses.” It’s clear that they do just that. On their blog they invite people to send in pictures of Track and Field bags from different and unusual places all over the world. It’s an interesting thing to see: one product being used in a variety of ways on a global scale.
A Track and Field bag, or TRKFLD as they’re also known, is more than just any old bag. They cleverly mix the history of old fabrics, which are well-made and sustainable, with brightly coloured vibrant designs, making a bag that’s not just practical, but also innovative.
Rebecca Saunders