Bee Lovely, be part of the Save the Bees campaign with Neal’s Yard Remedies

Behold… the humble bumblebees. Small as they are, these little creatures are truly mighty! Bees are precious pollinators responsible for feeding, healing and clothing us. Without bees and wild pollinators, you can forget about: glowing wax candles and yummy runny honey; you might have to bid farewell to our beloved chocolate and your daily caffeine fix; you may as well wave goodbye to luxurious silk and beautiful bouquets of flowers, while you’re at it.
Bees are under attack. So much so that experts have warned that honeybees could disappear entirely from Britain by 2018. Shocking statistic, but who or what is to blame? Pesticides, among other factors, are the real culprits and are poisoning our beautiful bees at an alarming rate. You can help though.
How can you Bee Helpful?
Bee Lovely
Soften your hands, save the bees and help support bee-friendly initiatives in one fell swoop with Neal’s Yard Remedies limited edition hand cream. Specially created for the campaign, their rich and moisturising Bee Lovely Hand Cream is blended with organic honey and energizing orange essential oils that nourish the skin and lift the spirits. Plus, £1 of every tube sold goes to Neal’s Yard Remedies charities of choice – BugLife, LandLife and Pesticide Action Network UK. Boom!
Bee a Supporter
Get active and get behind the campaign. Sign the petition to help persuade the British government to join France, Germany, Italy and Slovenia in banning the pesky pesticides that are devastating the bee population and depleting the numbers of wild pollinators in our country. One simple signature makes all the difference. Click here now.
Bee a Smart Shopper
Buy organic or pesticide-free produce whenever possible and avoid supermarket honey. Instead, stock up on chemical free, unfiltered honey from a local beekeeper.
Bee a Keeper
Make your own honey! Beekeeping is not actually as tricky as you might imagine. All you need is a few simple tools and some honey jars to collect your organic liquid gold. Interested? Head over to Bio Bees to get started.
Bee a Gardener
Stay away from insecticides – they are super toxic and huge killers. Plant bee-friendly herbs and wild flowers, like rosemary and lavender, anywhere you can. You don’t need much space; a patio pot or window box is perfect and will attract bees as well as brightening up the place beautifully and leaving it buzzing with life. Land Life is the place to shop for organic seeds.
Bee a Guardian
If the thought of beekeeping has you coming out in a rash then why not give those humble bumbles a safe home by setting up a simple box in your garden to attract and protect our precious wild bees. The Bee Guardian Foundation has lots more information.
Marion Katrina Poerio
Watch this video and visit Neal’s Yard Remedies for more details on the campaign.