Fun fashion from Dusen Dusen

This upcoming fashion label from New York City is all about bright colours and pretty little things. Ellen Van Dusen, after studying at Tufts University, moved to Brooklyn armed with just a sewing machine and an iron and created the label; this proved to be a dangerous but successful combination for Ellen.
The Dusen Dusen 2012 spring collection includes tie-dye tanks, pastel shorts, and A-symmetrical dresses with funky block patterns. Dusen Dusen sell their line all over the world, from Japan to Canada and the USA and online on Urban Outfitters. The label has also been featured in a variety of popular fashion magazine such as Teen Vogue, Nylon, Elle and New York Magazine to name a few.
Dusen Dusen use sweet silhouettes and simple colours with vibrant patterns to make trendy outfits, which are the perfect blend of old and new for cool girls chilling in chilly weather and are sure to get you in a happy-go-lucky mood. Our favourite item in the collection is the denim skirt with a plait around the waist, it’s simple yet contemporary.
The label also has a cheeky selection of stylish backpacks; these cool backpacks follow the same concept of the clothing line: abstract patterns that include varied shapes and waves that look unusual and contemporary.
Dusen Dusen also sell a niche range of clothing; the label is a mixture of cute and chic outfits. It represents a different edge to fashion, it’s exciting and comfortable.
Annika Ranga