Kelly Goss takes on the world of fashion like a rock star

The fashion world is famed for its involvement in rock ‘n’ roll. It’s always exciting to see a new spin on this and that is just what Kelly Goss brings in her new line Rock ‘n’ Needle. The idea for this new line sprouted whilst she was studying at the London Fashion Retail Academy in 2009; with inspiration from the rock ‘n’ roll culture and a quick dalliance into Brick Lane shops – which led to sold out stock and a recommendation as rising star by Draper – the line was always going to be a huge hit!
Festival and infused with pure zest, Rock ‘n’ Needle’s iconic black vest with skull ‘n’ arrows has had us counting down the days to Download here at The Upcoming. In tribute to the spirit it was made in, the washing instructions are: do not iron over print, wash at thirty degrees and wear with attitude. It gave me a little smile to know that all the items are hand-printed to order.
To give your bloke that hard edge, that dangerous sensation, the bad boy look that all good girls go for, then drape him in Rock ‘n’ Needle’s Men’s Vintage Logo T-shirt, which is so incredibly soft and has a great tapering affect around the neck.
Now, even though we are very happy that summer is coming, every girl still needs to wrap up warm and the light rayon sweater range is just perfect for this. I adore the Soda-Artificial Colours & Flavours jumper, with retro print and close behind this is my admiration for the unique take on noughts and crosses sweater. If you want a tad more colour in your life check out the London Took My Heart sweater; actually scrap that, just check them all out and fill up that shopping basket by visiting the online boutique here.
Paula de Burgh