Tweaking Iris is treating us to brilliant blouses

Combining vintage patterns, fabric remnants with research galore, Tweaking Iris was launched in 2011 by talented designers, Jessica and Gemma. Yoke collars, pleated blouses and lace vests all feature in Tweaking Iris’ SS12 collection, displaying their passion for floral prints, finishing details and classic shapes.
Here at The Upcoming, we bring you the very best from their collections and inspire you to tweak it up!
We adore the bright colours, especially the peach colouring of this blouse; it reminds us of the sun that we once had! These colours are great with a light denim skirt or bright light linen or slim-lined jeans. The pleats are ideally placed, sitting neatly over the middle of your chest to give great volume and a flattering shape where every girl needs it. This top is more than perfect to shove in your suitcase for a last minute summer getaway.
Now, let us continue with bright and cheery colours, this time a touch of lemon zest and a blouse that would go great with flats and a big hat at the races or to add a touch of glam in your daily office routine! This collar blouse shows true fabric genius in teaming up lace and silk.
We are going to bring you a third and final taste, before you go and explore this label yourself. We are absolutely in love with the blue yolk blouse. It’s ideal for that summer wedding, especially if you are the plus one and don’t know the couple that well. This is the ultimate cannot go wrong piece! The mosaic netting adds such a beautiful feminine edge and to see a touch of summer blushed skin through it, is sexy without being too in your face. This would be perfect to team with a tailored skirt or floaty full length skirt and peep toe shoes; we would also personally team it up with a large and overstated necklace.
In honour of all things floral, the entire collection is individual, elegantly quirky and feminine and dying for you to check it out, so click here.
Paula de Burgh