Francis Bacon online lifestyle shop opens on the 20th anniversary of his death

Francis Bacon has become more fashionable than ever. The work of Francis Bacon first passed to John Edwards and then, after his death in 2003, to the estate, which is now opening an online shop in commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the artist’s death.
But the shop doesn’t sell only books, DVDs, catalogues and reproduction of paintings; the variety of products offered and designed especially for this lifestyle store is more surprising. Following the example of celebrities, the name Francis Bacon has become a brand and has its own series of accessories starting with belts, through to t-shirts and homeware including cushions and tea sets.
All the items are decorated with either quotes from the famous painter or reproductions of his work. Francis Bacon was known and acclaimed for his raw, brutal, distressing imageries viciously representing human vulnerability, mortality and miserable existential condition.
It is natural to wonder: is a distorted, disturbing figure frozen in a horrifying shriek a suitable thing to put on a decorative cushion? Should we – or do we want to – engage with these deeply moving paintings in this way?
All in all, the Francis Bacon Shop could be seen as an instance of utilising Bacon’s work for financial gain, or as an exciting new direction of protecting and enhancing the artist’s legacy.
We should put aside doubts and sentiments and trust that this new progressive way of popularising and enjoying the artist’s work can be a genuine art appreciation. Click here to see the shop.
Agata Gajda