DIY: Dip-dyed denim to make at home!
The ombré look has moved from our hair and popped straight onto our clothing! One of summer’s hottest trends, dip dyed denim shorts, pants and even shirts, are so easy to make. We’ve got a step-by-step guide for dip dyeing your clothing. So grab your favourite pair of denim cut-offs, some bleach and let’s get dipping!
Things you will need:
Clothing article of choice
1 bucket
1 bottle of bleach
1 hanger
- Fill bucket with bleach
- Fold (shorts) in half and put on (pants) hanger. This makes it easier to get an even dip
- Dip shorts into bucket
- *To create a gradual gradient dip shorts in the bucket at different intervals leaving the hem in the bleach for the most amount of time.
- Leaving the shorts on the hanger, rinse out the bleach.
*We suggest emptying the bleach bucket and filling it with fresh water to dip your shorts in to rinse off.
6. Hang the shorts up and let dry.
You can follow the same instructions for pants and shirts and when washing your clothing make sure you put them in a cold water wash.
If you are feeling really creative, we not only recommend bleach, but colours for your ombre look. You’ll find cheap fabric dye from places like Amazon or eBay, so get looking; at the same time you might also come across a bargain bundle of old jeans to cut up!
Gillian Horsley