The Expendables 2

Knock, knock
Who’s there?
The Expendables
The Expendables, who?
No: The Expendables 2 – this summer’s action movie guaranteed to set a standard precedent to all future films of a similar genre.
With as much muscle and butch packed in as possible, The Expendables 2 sees the reunion of heavy-weight actors Bruce Willis, Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jet Li, Jason Statham, and Dolph Lundgren. Only this time round there is an added testosterone injection from “Muscles from Brussels” Jean-Claude Van Damme, Chuck Norris, and Liam Hemsworth – taking the muscle-clad cast to new levels of macho.
The plot itself seems a little more straightforward than the first instalment of The Expendables, but the fights and weapon displays are just as explosive and the dialogue even more so. Stallone opted out of directing this time, so he could concentrate on packing punch to his performance, leaving ConAir and Tomb Raider director Simon West with the difficult task of directing the film.
Right from the start the audience are torpedoed into the midst of it, and once the action begins, it doesn’t really ever stop, with an ever dominating emphasis on the boys and their toys.
Called upon by Mr Church (Willis), the muscle ensemble led by Barney (Stallone), venture forth on what sounds like a straightforward locate and repatriate mission. Described as looking like a band of “psychotic monks”, Mr Church’s mission seems to be a success until the action heroes are compromised, leaving one of their men expended.
It is at this point the story turns into a track, find and kill plot, and, seeking revenge for the death of their comrade, the men set after Jean Vilain (Van Damme). Vilain is the perfect villain. Seeking possession of five tonnes of weapon-grade plutonium, Vilain will allow nothing to stop him in his quest for world power.
Adding a smattering of emotion, The Expendables 2 does little to deter the film from its muscle show. The humour strikes a few notes bolder than The Expendables, adding grade-A puns, and relevant one-liners to an otherwise monosyllabic, grunting dialogue from its too-hench-to-talk cast. Stallone is still as tricky to understand as ever, but the banter between the cast alights the film completely.
The detail in this film, the shock and awe, and of course the solid might that the individual characters bring is what makes The Expendables 2 a success. There is no holding back when it comes to the action and gore, and the cheesiness of the conversations between the cast are reminiscent of 80s action films.
With the all-important ingredients pursuit, redemption, and restitution, The Expendables 2 is not to be missed this summer!
Jennifer Atkinson
The Expendables 2 is released nationwide on 17th August 2012.
Watch the trailer for The Expendables 2 here: