Film premiere: On The Road

Last night’s premiere of On The Road was a relatively low key affair, especially when compared to the bombastic premiere of Total Recall happening down the road in Leicester Square. There was a subdued air as the three British stars made their way around the red carpet. With the news about Kristen Stewart somewhat over shadowing the event, countless PRs informed us that any questions about recent events involving their co-star would be met with short shrift.
In terms of taking on a classic of 20th century and especially playing the role of one of the few surviving members of the group of characters, did that bring an extra nervousness with it?
Danny Morgan: Yeah, it did. It was strange because at first I didn’t realise that Al is obviously still very much alive. There are few left alive from that generation, but not many. I was lucky enough to meet him, at one of the wrap parties. It was strange; it felt like being set up on a weird blind date. Everyone was like “there he is, go and talk to him, go and talk to him”. So I went over and he was lovely, so it was fine. So there was a lot of pressure, but we were having such an amazing time making it that you kind of forget and think you’re just making a little film with your mates. You forget that they’ve been trying to make the film for 60 years and have this big iconic status.
Your background is in TV comedy. Was it hard making the switch to film?
Well yeah, I didn’t think about it much. This is my first film; I don’t want to mess it up. My plan was to not stand out as the guy that comes on and makes a funny face. I’m very proud of my performance so, yeah I enjoyed it.
If you had the chance to play a character from a book again, who would you like to play?
Oh my god. I’ve only ever read about two books. If they did a film adaptation of Where’s Wally? If they made a movie of Where’s Wally? I’d love to play Wally.
Out of all the authors featured in the book, who are your favourites?
Sam Riley: Kerouac.
Tom Sturridge: Am I allowed to say Ginsberg? I’m going to have to go with Ginsberg.
S: Yeah working with Walter (Salles-director). He did a good a job of mind control; we weren’t able to like anyone but ourselves.
On The Road is released on 12th October 2012.
Joseph Godman
Photos: Sherinne Abdou
Watch the trailer for On The Road here: