Bundy and Webster: An adventure with friends

Bundy and Webster collaborate with some talented up-and-coming artists and photographers in and around London to create images and prints for limited edition T-shirts and sweatshirts. The label was founded by Hannah and Suki around a year ago and they finally launched their website last week!
Hannah told us how they “hope to give young artists a platform to showcase their work”. There is a section on the website that allows you to look in to each artist and find out more about how each T-shirt was created. Bundy and Webster are hoping that by combining the art with high quality fabrics and finishes it will set them apart from other on-line brands. All of the T-shirts and sweatshirts are unisex, so perfect for you and your other half.
Hannah tells us how she and Suki contacted local colleges including City & Guilds, Wimbledon and Camberwell to see if any students wanted to get involved in their project and collaborate with them on a new T-shirt range. As well as this they also attended lots of end of year University shows and personally scouted out each individual before contacting them. “It’s been quite an adventure”, say the girls.
The second and third collections are under way but the girls say they are always looking for new exciting people to work with, they do regular shout-outs on Twitter and Facebook and they attend lots of exhibitions in and around London to find what they are looking for. Neither of the girls have a background in fashion or art, they just have a huge passion for both: “we just thought it would be fun to combine them.”
They aren’t clueless though, Hannah previously worked in PR and Suki worked in retail, so they have experience that can help them now and help take Bundy and Webster into the future.
The girls, who have been friends for a few years, currently work from Hannah’s living room in Brixton. It’s clearly been a journey for the girls with much more yet to come. “It’s been amazing sharing something like this,” says Hannah before adding: “we’re so thankful to be doing this together!” Friendship is one of the things that make the brand so likeable and we’re sure this will help them raise the profile of Bundy and Webster and continue into the future, it’s always a fun adventure when it’s with your best friends!
Visit Bundy and Webster here for more information on the brand and the artists featured.
Kelsey Butler
Photos: Courtesy of Bundy and Webster
Below are the links to all of their current collaborators. Click on their name to find out more.
Rebecca (or click here)