Own the Runway with your leather-loving look

With winter finally here and designers debuting their latest collections, it has become apparent that leather is the new must-have fabric of the season. Leather skirts, leather jackets, leather tops – the fashion world has decided to strip the world and place the leather stamp on every item possible. See, the problem is, famous designers such as Marc Jacobs or Vivienne Westwood have items that sell for hundreds of pounds, and with the recession here again, it would seem unethical to harm our credit cards and splash out. However, we have come up with a solution. This solution is known as operation Own the Runway.
Own the Runway is an online fashion brand, which specialises in replicating celebrity looks and designer styles. The reason this label has caught our eye is because the leather products they sell are simply divine! Each of the leather-loving items rock the chic look of the current trends and strut their own kind of style. You don’t need Dolce & Gabbana to look fabulous, you just need the internet!
What’s great about this site is the fact that the prices are jaw-dropping (in a good way). You can get yourself a gorgeous red, cropped leather jacket for just £35.99. You could even purchase a black bodycon dress with leather sleeves for £27.99, perfect for the Christmas parties coming up! Truth be told, this website is so unique, stylish and trendy that anything you purchase from it is bound to make you look like the next Mischa Barton or Rita Ora.
Head over to the website by clicking here and see what bargains you can buy. Keep up with the leather trend and get the guys gawping.
Sasha Hilton