Green Day – ¡Uno!

Leaving behind the punk-rock opera dream that was American Idiot and 21st Century Breakdown, Green Day are back with not just one new album but a trilogy. The band have set themselves a new mammoth task: to release three albums in three months. With such a cult following, fans will no doubt eagerly lap up the extravagant offering that sees the band finally back to their amazing 90s form.
¡Uno! is the first of the trilogy and if it’s anything to go by, the next three months are going to be punk-rock heaven for fans of old Green Day.
The second single released from the album, Kill the DJ, is an edgy self-confessed dance track. With an effortlessly catchy bass line and gloriously filthy hook, this track brings sweet relief to the mosh-pit madness of the album’s start and is set to be a favourite on grimy dance floors all over the world.
Rusty James is a perfect blend of old Green Day and the pop-style of recent years, whilst Carpe Diem is an energetic track that will have crowds bouncing.
Loss of Control is full of gritty hooks and even heavier bass lines; the track is a slightly more polished throwback to Basket Case. Oh Love is clearly set to be a stadium-filler; it verges on epic rock ballad but with gritty guitars.
In all, the album is the perfect mix of punk-rock, power-pop and grimy dance that will have you moving uncontrollably. It’s hard to find any complaints with an album that flits through some 90s Dookie nostalgia with the same gloriously heavy energy that has had hardcore fans bouncing off the walls for years. Having been clouded for some time during the noughties, Billie Joe and co have left behind complicated concepts in place of pure punk-rock-pop-dance madness.
Caitlin Middleton
¡Uno! is released on 21st September 2012. For further information or to order the album visit Green Day’s website here.
Watch the video for Oh Love here: