The Other Tribe at the Hoxton Square Bar and Kitchen

The Hoxton Square Bar and Kitchen was sold-out; not bad for the up and coming six-piece from Bristol currently on their first headline tour ever, and without even an album to promote. Sure the location was small and easy to fill, but it was soon clear that the people packed in the venue were not just random customers – they actually came to see the gig and were very thrilled.
For 40 minutes, the Other Tribe performed a bunch of songs all mashed up as in a DJ-set (except that they played them live), which literally made the crowd Sing with Their Feet in an innuendo that knew no flaws. The band was able to hold the excitement high throughout the concert, with more or less everyone dancing frenetically to the rhythm of tunes like the tribal-influenced I Don’t Need No Melody (the use of a xylophone, though a modern one, can effortlessly make you believe you are somewhere else like Hawaii) or the more club-friendly Skirts, which are so catchy it is basically impossible to stand still and not give in to a nonsense, convulsive and carefree dance.
The whole act was a crescendo which had its climax, obviously, with the final track Businessman On Diazepam and which saw the singer first, followed soon after by the bassist, get off the stage and merge with the public in a complete symbiosis.
The Other Tribe managed to make a lady let loose like a teenager, so they can be confident they reached their goal – everybody had a blast. Only one fault: it finished too soon.
Rita Vicinanza
Photos: Anjelica Johansson
For further information and future events visit the band’s Facebook page here.
Watch the music video for Don’t Need No Melody here: