Culture Food & Travel Interviews & Recipes
Original recipe of the week: Cheesy mustard straws

Everyone loves a bit of party food to nibble on. Whether it is a sausage roll or a cheese straw there is always something for everyone on the buffet table.
Why not line your stomach this Christmas with our delicious and easy cheese straws? Laden with cheese and mustard, this perfect combination will go down well at any dinner party, friends or family… Us Brits can’t resist a bit of pasty.
Preparation time: 5 mins
Cook time: 20 mins
Serves 8-10
What you will need:
1 pack of ready roll puff pastry
3 tbs wholegrain mustard (Dijon)
3 handful of mature grated cheese
What you need to do:
- Preheat your oven to 200c and line a baking sheet with greaseproof paper.
- Roll out your sheet of puff pastry and spread with the mustard.
- When the sheet is fully covered you can sprinkle on the cheese, but be careful to add a generous and even layer.
- Now to start the twists. Cut the sheet into 5cm wide strip and separate.
- Fold in half so that one side of cheese and mustard is on top of the other on every slice and twist. Start at the bottom and work your way up making sure that the whole slice is twisted. Some cheese and mustard may leak out but this is fine.
- Place each twist on the baking sheet individually. You can brush with a light egg wash if you wish and place in the oven.
- Leave in the oven for 20 mins or until golden brown.
- Remove from the oven and set aside to cool for about 5 mins.
- Cut into smaller servings if you so wish and you are ready to go.
Bethany Stone