Design your own trainers with Sneakerly

New online footwear company Sneakerly works with aspiring designers and illustrators to create innovative and unique designs. Sneakerly was set up this year by basketball player David Hill – a product designer who created the knitting aid with the aim of altering the way in which footwear is produced and sold.
Sneakerly creates a new output, inspiring creativity as well as making and keeping the company fresh with ideas and designs. This company works by giving submitted designs 25 days to attract 250 endorsers, allowing the design to be manufactured. This simple idea could easily be seen as the start of something very special in the design world, where the talented are discovered.
There are some cool designs currently available online with varied indie themes from animals to food. Sneakers titled Summer and Pack of cats seem particularly popular.
So if you feel like you’ve got a great idea for a pair of sneakers, check out the website and submit a design. If your design gets manufactured you’ll bag yourself $2,500 and an original pair!
Aura Montana
You can visit Sneakerly to submit a design here.