That’s Pretty: the true meaning of pretty

When you say the word “pretty”, it conjures up images of beautiful flowers and all things girly. At That’s Pretty, they make you consider what the true meaning of pretty is.
The label was created in 2009 by Emily Jenkins, and was born from a volatile lust affair between brains and beauty. Emily was originally a writer and graduated from Sheffield University last year, and now she lives in Bangkok.
That’s Pretty pushes the boundaries of traditional concepts of beauty; their designs are strategically focused to force us to reconsider “pretty”. For example, you might find a sabre-toothed tiger’s head a bit gruesome, but when you see it on a necklace it’s interesting and stunning.
Emily is inspired from all walks of life, from deep dark fantasies to frugal joys of nature. The statement jewellery is unmistakeably for the bold, the bad and the blindingly beautiful. “I’m interested in pushing boundaries with fashion and looking for inspiration outside the ‘everyday’, which comes from my keen interest in travel and culture.” There is such a contrast in the pieces. For example, this ribcage necklace makes a serious statement and will make you stand out from the crowd. However, if you explore further, you will come across the sweet tooth necklace which is really cute.
“I believe that ‘pretty’ is a relative term that’s never static. In a society as fast-paced as ours, if something’s not conventionally recognised as ‘pretty’ and you want it to be, then it’s up to you to make a stand and tell people they’re wrong.”
One thing is for certain: you’ll think twice before considering calling something ugly. What you think looks ugly may be beautiful to somebody else.
Jenny Rodgers
Head over to That’s Pretty’s website for even more jewellery.