We Dream in Colour, making sure you sparkle every season

Us girlies love shiny things and at We Dream in Colour they make sure we have those all year round.
The label was started by Jade Gedeon in 2002. She was born in the US and raised in Trinidad. Her talent for drawing and fine art was evident at a young age. She has won a major art award and has displayed her work in galleries and illustrated several publications. In 2002, Jade put her background to work to create wonderful things. Since then she has sought to offer accessories that range from the quirky to the elegantly refined. Her pieces are witty, surprising and fashioned to stand out from the crowd.
On the website there are so many pieces to choose from; you will be spoilt for choice. The Stella necklace is simple but gorgeous, or maybe you’ll prefer these Lillith earrings. The Madoqua necklace will be right up a rock chick’s street.
While discussing what inspires Jade, she mentioned her love of aged objects and what they can bring to a look. “I’m always rummaging through antique markets and shops in search of beautiful things to collect.” You really get a sense of this antique quality with some of her pieces. For example, the Blackbird earrings look tarnished and could be mistaken for a family heirloom. Hard to believe you can give a new piece of jewellery an already worn look.
Jade is making some beautiful jewellery that stands out from the crowd and has ladies flocking to the website like magpies.
Jenny Rodgers
Head to her website and check out the shiny things here.