File or foe: Leighton Denny crystal nail file

Long gone are the days of gloss red or pink being the only two choices for your manicured nails. The noughties signalled the beginning of a nail revolution! Your talons being as much of a fashion accessory as your treggings.
Enter the squoval, the point, the 14-day manicure, the fur nail, crackle and foil effects! With the endless choices, how’s a girl or metrosexual male ever going to decide?
So let’s strip it back to basics, with the metal file being as much of a sin to your manicure as soap is to your skin. (True product junkies have just grimaced at even the mention.) The only acceptable tool of choice is the crystal file.
Leighton Denny has won the Nail Technician of the Year award so many times that he has now been banned from entering! His comprehensive product range has a huge celebrity following. The crystal nail file is a great place to start. Priced from £12.50 for a nail file in a protective case, it’s an absolute must-have manicure tool.
So here’s the science bit: our nails are made up of layers, and if you’ re prone to peeling nails you’ll be more than aware of this. The layers of our nails are held together by our natural oils. A crystal file helps to seal the end of your nail preventing peeling, water entering and reduces the risk of damage. The crystal file is so clever that it even allows you to file your nails backward and forwards, known in the trade as the saw! This is forbidden with traditional files as it damages the free edge of the nail.
So using a crystal nail file not only ensures you are the “it girl” of manicures, but also strengthens and protects your nails whilst using. Win win!
Lisa Bramley
Find more details on the full Leighton Denny range here.