Karl Lagerfeld Timepieces have unveiled a “Watch Karl” app

On 18th February, Karl Lagerfeld’s watch collection will launch globally. To accompany his anticipated collection, Lagerfeld has launched a new mobile app that not only gives its users an inside look at his new collection, but also gives them an insight into the world of Lagerfeld.
Some features of the app are as follows:
Karlisms: A daily Lagerfeld quote provider. So if you are ever in need of inspiration, this is the app for you.
Klairvoyant: A place where you can ask your unanswered fashion questions and Lagerfeld will reveal your long-awaited answers.
The Karl Kountdown game: Uncover a Lagerfeld-inspired image before the time runs out. You can upload your scores and compete with friends.
As well as these fun features, users have a daily opportunity to win exclusive prizes such as a Karl Lagerfeld tote bag. Also, once a week one lucky person will receive a watch from Karl Lagerfeld’s collection. To increase your chances at winning these amazing prizes you must share your activities in the Watch Karl App on social networking sites. The more you share, the more chance you have at winning.
It is safe to say that this app will have all Lagerfeld fans hooked within hours.
Katie Marie Clarke
To get the app, click here.