Acqua Di Gio Essenza fragrance campaign: The modern day country western

When viewing the Giorgio Armani commercial for its new fragrance Acqua Di Gio Essenza, “country western” may not be the first thing that comes to mind.
It’s a partially naked and very hot Simon Nessman swimming in an ocean making sexy eyes at the camera. No guns, no horses, and no cowboy hats or chaps to be found. Still, if you listen a bit closer to the music playing in the background, you’re reminded more of shoot-outs at the saloon than swimmers ear in a pool. We don’t think this was an error on anyone’s part, but in fact a well thought out initiative that brings to light the very things that make Acqua Di Gio such a great brand and such a sought after fragrance.
Upon closer inspection of the commercial, you can recognise the pure genius that is the Giorgio Armani marketing team, because aesthetics aside, how different is an old country western really from what Armani is serving up?
At the heart of all epic westerns is the appearance of the lone crusader and vigilante, saving the helpless and hopeless on his quests, and traveling the world with ease as if it was his and his alone.
This campaign brilliantly grasps the essence of the old west in an acutely modern way. Simon Nessman plays the part of the lone vigilante, and with the briefest flashes of his to-die-for physique, we are reminded not only of the sensual nature of such a type of man, but the overt masculinity of him as well. Excuse us a moment while we swoon…
With the ocean as his playground, and the world at his feet, Simon portrays with a convincing ease the qualities of a man who wears and embodies Acqua Di Gio Essenza: a man who is free, strong, and untamed. By golly, would John Wayne be proud.
Ashley Mitchell
Watch for yourself here.