Dexters at The Macbeth

Nestled in Hoxton, The Macbeth supplies an intimate, warming welcome from the East End elements, and an equally warm welcome to local artists and bands.
This Feeling, a promotions company with an eye for the up and coming, certainly triumphed in their selection of local band Dexters to play their last headlining show until the summer.
Opening with their latest release, the rousing (and catchy as hell) single Start to Run, casual bar-bystander are inevitably swept up, enthralled and dazzled by the upstarts in front of them.
Comprised of two forceful lead guitarists, a bassist, intricate drumming and confident acoustic-wielding frontman, the band evokes a potent blend of alternative punk rock with a playful innocence, creating a stalwart but inoffensive musical wall.
Deliberately sidestepping the keyboard-saturated hipness of many current young bands, they maintain a melodic drive with a constantly attentive rhythm section. Their raw, but not brash vocals bear a similarity to early Jam and Skids songs, and equally to their stateside peers Japandroids. The band shares a carefree but concise camaraderie onstage, inviting up a tipsy yet sincere fan to show off a homemade band T-shirt, clearly reveling in the honour of being an early supporter.
As a head-bobbing voyeur, you can’t help but wonder how long it will be before Dexters grace bigger stages, and such heartfelt invasions are met by the burly folks in neon- yellow jackets.
Forgive them of their indie-boy haircuts, and it’s clear to anyone and their dog that this is a band going places – and fast.
Victoria Sanz-Henry
Photos: Caitlin Mogridge
For further information and future events visit visit Dexters’ website here.
Watch a video of Recover live here: