Carousel Ink: Lions, tigers and bears!

In recent years, Etsy has become a great place for designers to showcase their lines, oftentimes much more unique and imaginative than the usual fare. It is a place to see something unexpected done within an entire community that values originality and craftsmanship. One such design collection is Carousel Ink, which shows fashionistas like us that fairytales are not just for little girls.
When people think about carousels and white horses and magic, it is quite easy to fall into the nostalgia-induced trance of your youth, but Carousel Ink sports designs that are anything but. Carousel Ink is much closer to the dark fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm than anything Disney could have thought up, and is that much cooler for it.
Considering themselves purveyors of indie fashion, this trio of friends each provides a skill that the others lack, and together create a kick-ass brand where three talents seamlessly combine. Martin is the genius behind the hand drawn illustrations, autumn designs and fabricates the clothing; and Celena has been called “The Ringmaster”, the glue that keeps them all running like a well-oiled machine. The finished product is certainly testament to their success in making such a partnership work.
We would so rock some of these pieces. The aesthetic is so different from what we see on runways and in high fashion magazines, and we love it all the more because of this. It is indie rock and chic, but without trying too hard to be so. It is street style, no high fashion necessary. We are especially digging the selection of tights. They are adorbs without feeling too cutesy and young, but they are also punk and tough without being intimidating. We could so see ourselves wearing the Hot Air Balloon Leggings with an oversized black tee, combat boots, and some really funky gold accessories. The designs on the tights are so well done and detailed, and we could totally imagine someone inking that type of amazingness on their skin. Another great set of pieces are Carousel Ink’s collection of funky masks, which works well as a perfect standout piece at a masked ball, costume party, or, if you’re really bold, just a regular night out on the town. We are definitely in love with the Onion Owl Mask, and are currently researching masked events to make an appearance to.
Carousel Ink caters to the little girl hiding inside the grown woman, the girl who is bold and daring and free, all the things that are much harder to do as adults that we would have originally thought. With each new design available to us, Carousel Ink poses the question then – do you dare to face, and wear, the lions and tigers and bears?
Ashley Mitchell
Photos: Courtesy of Carousel Ink
To shop the collection, click here.