Holy stitch! Miso Funky shows us it’s not just your grandmother’s pastime

If anything can convert us over to cross stitching, it’ll be this site.
We don’t know if it’s because we’re getting on in age, or if it is really becoming “a thing”, but lately we’ve been seeing a lot of women in our age group engaging in activities we once thought were only suitable for our grandmothers and their lady friends. Where once young people like us were urban myths, ashamed to show our face in public (some of us are die-hard crocheters), we are now coming out of the woodwork, taking our crafts with us on the train, to work and to the park. We are showcasing our creations, selling our work and teaching other girls our age who are actually willing to learn about these “grandmother hobbies”. DIY has leaked into the fashion world people.
Still, we’ll admit that even we, crochet extraordinaires, couldn’t fathom taking up the likes of cross-stitching, something we knew that most of our grandmothers did not do. Great-grandmothers, maybe. Cross-stitching seemed too old-fashioned for even our taste, and to be completely honest, too hard.
When we visited the Miso Funky site, started in 2005 and operated in Glasgow by Claire Brown, we were quite surprised to find out it was a cross-stitching website. The design was quirky and fun, and looked more like they sold funky jewellery and indie books, rather than cross-stitch kits and patterns. Oh, but they did…and they make it look so fun to do. Not only do they sell kits and patterns, which is for both the beginner and the expert, but cross-stitched items you would never even think of: buttons, stationery, towels, even iPhone cases. Our favourite has to be the “I heart Wine” button and the “99 problems but a stich ain’t one” photo. Hilarity.
The site offers a little something for everyone, from the person just starting out to the individual who already has an undying love for the craft. The site offers a safe space for those who are young to be able to enjoy the craft, and tries its hardest to provide the essentials to give newbies a chance to appreciate it as well. The site is super easy to navigate, with tabs for accessories, patterns, different home and office knick knacks, and also a portion for items created by certain people, so that if you have a favourite, you don’t have to wade through a million other designers to get to the person you love. We always have a profound appreciation for any site that also includes a blog; it is a testament to the owner’s desire for true customer connectedness and understanding. We, as consumers, love feeling like part of a family, to be treated like an individual instead of a number. Things like blogs and custom-made items (which Miso also offers), keep customers coming back.
We here have already ordered our “I heart Wine” buttons, which will be chic-ly placed where all eyes can see: our tote bags. We’re seriously considering purchasing a cross-stitch kit as well, just because of how fun and easy the designs and instructions seem to be. Check out the site! We think Miso will make you so thoroughly entertained!
Ashley Mitchell
To visit the website, or for more information on Miso Funky, click here.