The shoe and the city: our top picks for S/S 2013

A lady places high demand on her shoe as well as the city in which she lives. As the female leaves her residence in an outfit for that day, the pair of shoes she chooses is the foundation.
Styles have come a long way. The 1950s brought glamorous Dior-like fashions accompanied by low heels. The ever-changing 1960s introduced a high-cut boot to ballet flats that showed the slim pant and clean-cut blouses and turtlenecks. As years progressed, all of these styles never lost their place. Today, a lady now has a huge array of choices. A large department store in New York City dedicates a whole floor to woman’s shoes, while iconic designer’s boutique stores are dedicated to the shoe and handbags.
As children, we remember our mothers’ closets. Closets containing endless pairs of shoes and handbags that makes you realise that shoes never lose their glamour. Our shoes have endless possibilities and carry the foundation of our wardrobe. Each sole supports the pedestal of our being as we walk these city streets. Take care of your soles today and tomorrow. Below are a few of our favourite and affordable styles for spring/ summer!
Daisy, £10 – Chockers Shoes
Black Western boot, £18 – Fashion Union
Carly Shoe, £79 – Hotter
Parisian Panache, £39 – Cocorose London
Cilla Platform £15 – Schuh
Dawn George