Become a director with French Connection

French Connection launched their SS13 campaign on 1st March with a concept based on film. They’ll be rolling out a special film machine to enable customers to create their own, creative scene from pre-made film clips; the best compositions will be featured on every single French Connection platform. Yes, we all know that film and fashion go hand in hand, take The Great Gatsby for example, but French Connection have pushed this relationship further, into the hands of the fans.
So, it’s up to you to be the director. Do you want a love story, or a sad story? Will your characters be wild or tranquil? What story do you want to portray? Everything from the scenes to the music is up to you; just call yourself Steven Spielberg! However, it’s not just fun and clicks. In fact, by entering this competition, you’ll get a chance to win a luxurious trip to the Sydney Film Festival, as well as a £500 shopping spree. The fun doesn’t stop there though. Your scene will be played in French Connection stores as part of the campaign for their new, eclectic collection.
Sasha Hilton
Get creating, get personalising and get sharing. Click here and start making your blockbuster hit.