Topman: The Lost Rivers of London

The Lost Rivers of London by Joel Clifford is the new collection that Topman presented to the public on 18th March. This diverse collection is the next series of the A.D. T-Shirt collections. “What is the A.D. line?” we hear you ask. A.D. is a label influenced by events that make London what it is. Every design belonging to this cultural label is created with a narrative that links to a different part of London’s significant history.
To mark the launch of this new, profound clothing line, there will be secret drops in locations throughout the area around the River Thames where hand printed t-shirts will be discovered. With a name like “The Lost Rivers of London”, we wouldn’t expect anything less than a treasure hunt! Information and clues on this “message in a bottle” competition and where to find these fabulous tops will be revealed through social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook. All the t-shirts are extraordinary and come with a limited edition print that reflects the amazing cultural diversity that London holds. However, if you want to grab your hands on one of these tops then you’ve got to get your search on. After Topman are going to all this trouble for us fans, then it’s obvious for them to want something in return. Topman ask for the lucky few to take a picture of the winners with their t-shirt and tweet it to @TOPMANUK with the location of their treasure.
If these tops don’t shout “LONDON TOWN”, then we don’t know what does. The graphics have been inspired by running rivers, floating flowers and crazy cities. With each print comes an exploration of history and aesthetics that relate to the unique subject matter. Just by looking at A.D. T-Shirt’s past collections, it is obvious that their collections are inspired by history that will never be forgotten. For example, past themes include inspiration from Jack the Ripper, the gunpowder plot and the great plague. History and culture literally jump out of these products.
You may be thinking that if you don’t live in London then, well, you’ll be missing out. But, let us tell you that you won’t. If you don’t live in London, or if you can’t make it to the weekend, Topman will be running a competition on their website, which you can view by clicking here, where these limited edition prints can be won.
Sasha Hilton