Original recipe of the week: Burmese vegetable curry

Dreaming of those long hot summers – days in the sun, walks on the beach and exotic food to devour. Sadly we know that summer is a long way away, but we can help you get in the mood: trust us!
Break up your weekend with our delicious curry. Pair it with anything you desire from naan to roti or rice. The combination doesn’t really matter; it’s the spices that will really bring it home.
Serves: 4
Cooking time: 3 hours
What you will need:
2 cloves of garlic (diced)
2 large white onions (chopped)
25g chopped ginger root
2 lemon grass sticks (bruised)
3 tbsp fish sauce
1 can of coconut milk
1 tbsp ground coriander
1 red chilli (chopped and with seeds)
1 tbsp salt
1 tbsp pepper
2 cups of chopped tomatoes
3 carrots (diced)
2 courgettes (diced)
1 aubergine (diced)
Fresh coriander to serve
Sesame oil
What you need to do:
- Put the oil in a large wok or frying pan on a high heat. Place the onions in the pan and fry until browned.
- Next add in the ginger, garlic, chilli, lemon grass and ground coriander. Fry this all together for about three minutes or so, and then add in the vegetables – except the chopped tomatoes.
- Reduce the heat a little and continue to stir until the vegetables have softened slightly – this should take about five to ten minutes.
- When ready add in chopped tomatoes, coconut milk, fish sauce, and salt and pepper.
- Leave to simmer on a low heat for about 1 ½ hours with a lid on, or a piece of foil – for the last ½ hour remove the lid and allow for the liquid to partially reduce.
- When reduced, remove from the heat, decant into a serving bowl and top it with fresh coriander (and a couple of chopped red chillis if you fancy it), and you are ready to go!
Bethany Stone