Fashion is Art at the new Chelsea Art Fair

Yesterday afternoon The Upcoming went to Chelsea to get the first look at the Chelsea Art Fair, an event that has brought together art and two fantastic charities, Parkinson’s UK and Hearing Dogs for the deaf, as well as helping to cement a solid community within Chelsea.
The fair wasn’t without a ton of expression and talent, where small sculptures spoke volumes, such as the Gale force Nun 11 by Phillip Jackson.
As the fair sees a new director (Ben Cooper) this year, alterations were made in order to revamp and revitalise its images. Just one of the significant changes was the floor layout that meant that an adequate amount of space could be delegated to each artist or foundation, ultimately creating a great ambience as you glide through the Chelsea Town Hall.
A range of fresh and talented artists spread themselves around the event, giving everyone something to admire and appreciate. It was great to see that there were some tastefully provocative pieces as well as some out of the box works, adding to the new current feel.
Aura Montana
The Chelsea Art Fair is open from 11th – 14th April 2013. This surprising fair is worth the visit! Click here for more information.