F*ck for Forest

The best documentaries find fascinating, obscure, and incredible tales of life, and open a window onto the strange, varied and unpredictable nature of the world. Fuck for Forest is a documentary that certainly captures the strange. Directed by Michal Marczak, this is a portal into the lives of Fuck for Forest, a group of environmental activists who aim to save the world through sex.
We follow founders Leona Johansson and Tommy Hol Ellingsen, along with Natty and Danny, as they go about their daily lives, tinged with dazed mysticism. Danny in particular is our guide into this lifestyle, the film opening by acquainting us with the 23 year-old’s scattered, searching spirit.
The group spend much of their time hanging out in their fascinating home (adorned with sex, drugs and nature artefacts) and wandering the Berlin streets, asking strangers if they want to help create pornographic material for their cause. One is easily lulled into a trance state, lost in the weightlessness of these characters’ existences.
Reality sets in when they travel to Cambodia in the hope of buying some forest and preserving a piece of the planet. When it comes to expressing their ideas to the locals however, they are met with much animosity. What they thought was a good-hearted aim is turned around to be unhelpful and misunderstood.
This film tries to offer some narrative direction, though it is lost in the way that many of its characters are. The grand motivations and ideas they have, while entertaining and intriguing, are in the end a way of not just preserving the planet, but preserving a state of youthful innocence and freedom. This is a world away from the troubles they have faced in their pasts.
The cinematography beautifully captures the raw emotions behind the seemingly bizarre actions of the cast. The poetic visual style affects the entire outlook of the film, putting the viewer on an often awkward, but empathetic level with these people. It allows you to laugh or be stunned at their way of life, but at the same time find some understanding with their spiritual outlook and true belief in making a difference to the world.
While this documentary will divide audiences with its material, its success is really in the curious, sometimes humorous, sometimes sad insight into the weird ideas and actions of the group. You’re likely to leave with a broadened mind and some memorable mental images too.
Amber Bryce
Fuck for Forest is released in selected cinemas on 19th April 2013. Join the Oval Space Cinema Club screening in London on Tuesday 23rd April visiting here.
Watch the trailer for Fuck for Forest here: