Falke launches cosmetics for legs with their Perfect Skin Colour collection

We’ve recently discovered Falke; a company who could single-handedly change the way we look at legs forever. What foundation does for your face is what Falke does for your legs with their new Perfect Skin Colour collection. It hides imperfections, evens everything out and allows your legs to step out looking flawless and natural. We usually concentrate our efforts on creating a perfect face that we forget our bottom half. Falke could be the quickest solution to covering up our scars, shaving nicks, and the dreaded uneven spray tan.
“The eight finely shaded colours adapt to the skin-like leg make-up and provide an even, natural complexion to make your legs look impeccable.” The shades have been carefully created with a dermatologist to ensure that every woman can find their optimal colour tights to achieve the most natural look for their skin colour. They are available in a variety of styles that include an ultra-transparent look, to create ‘barely there’ foundation for the legs, through to Denier 20 for a more complex natural cover. You can choose from tights, stay ups, knee-highs and anklets.
Like regular cosmetics, Falke recommends your colour be tailored specially to you by a Falke legwear specialist. If you are unable to see a Falke specialist then you can go to their website, which offers a simple way to choose your perfect colour. All you need to do is pick from four skin tones: Fair, Beige, Tanned or Dark. It then lists a few attributes to make sure you chose the right colour, such as whether you have freckles, and what colour your eyes and hair are. Then choose from fair, lightly tanned or tanned skin hues. And voilà! You are on your way to flawless, supermodel legs!
Gillian Horsley
Photo: Courtesy of Falke
The company prides itself in being a leading colour specialist in the legwear sector and is currently sold worldwide. For more information please check out their website here.