Healthier body and a healthier mind with Sarah Beth Yoga

It’s that time of the year again, when women all over the world become obsessed with getting their summer bodies. After avoiding exercise like the plague for the past four months most of us now want to get fit for the summer.
So what is a quick, relaxing and effective way to get your summer body? Yoga of course!
But you don’t have to join an expensive class to begin your spiritual journey to a healthier you. Yoga tutorials are now available on popular sites such as YouTube.
One of our favorite yoga YouTube Channels is Sarah Beth Yoga. Sarah Beth focuses her videos on how to incorporate yoga into your everyday life to better both your body and your mind. Her videos range from beginner poses to intermediate poses, and her calm voice talks you though each yoga sequence.
One of her most popular videos is her 30-minute beach body work out, she explains that if you do this quick sequence three times a week you will see significant results. The workouts may seem daunting at first but after a few practices the sequence becomes easier to do and you can feel the change in your body.
She also teaches yoga sequences to reduce everything from migraines to wrist pain, and she shares her journey as a yoga instructor. Sarah Beth also shares her favorite healthy meals and shakes for the complete lifestyle.
Will you be saying Namaste to your summer body with Sarah Beth Yoga?
Katie Marie Clarke
To visit Sarah Beth’s channel click here. Or follow this link here to her official Facebook.