Suri Cruise – seven years old – launches own clothing line

It was the talk of the town last week: the seven-year old daughter of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes is launching her own clothing line this fall. While her classmates are watching Disney DVDs, dressing up dolls and building tree huts, Suri would be working on her own fashion range.
It started with a headliner in The Sun, which said that Suri Cruise made a “£1.5 million deal” with a New York department store. Her collection, called Suri, would consist of dresses, tops, jeans, shoes and accessories for young girls. Since Suri’s “rough sketches” are unlikely to be good enough for the production team to work with, she could count on a little help from mum Katie and her stylist Jeanne Yang. An anonymous source told The Sun: “Suri is only seven but she is incredibly interested in clothes…. Most girls dream of being able to make their own clothes, this just means her drawings will now become reality.” If the fashion range turns out to be successful, Suri will expand her distribution across North America. Plus, she’ll add a boys range to the collection.
While we’re quite sure this is just another celebrity gossip story, we do think there would be a guaranteed success for Suri. Being in the limelight ever since she was born, her name only is a brand in itself. Moreover, the Cruise/Holmes offspring has been named “most stylish celebrity child” in all sorts of magazines all over the world. Unlike other girls her age, she got the fashion credits already in her pocket.
On the same day The Sun published their article, VOGUE UK stated the gossip to be “100% false”. So for now the story seems to be a false rumour, which is both a relief and a disappointment. We’d be curious to see the result of the creative mind of a seven year old. However, being a style-icon seems like enough pressure for a seven year old.
Lisa Nederveen