A love of beads turns into Tweak Boutique

Spring 2013 is all about bright and bold colours. From fuchsia to neon green, acid tones to royal purple, all these colours featured in the collections of many designers. If you aren’t brave enough to wear bright colours on a garment perhaps a piece of jewellery will work for you, a piece of Tweak maybe?
Tweak was started by Ontario designer Caroline Bruce, and after graduating from high school, Caroline left home to attend university in Toronto. She studied biology but after being introduced to a bead store she began her infatuation with creating jewellery. She originally sold her jewellery to family, friends and a few people she didn’t know but it was a means to buy more beads. “I try not to make anything I could go out and buy. If I have an idea and then see something similar in a magazine or online, I throw it out or alter it to make it into something totally me.”
There are so many handcrafted jewellery labels out there but it is rare to find something that really stands out. Every piece of Tweak is a study in colour, texture and a touch of the unexpected. “At the risk of sounding trite, I have to confess that I really fall in love with every piece I design.” In the collection you will find a number of elements; from natural stones to orchid specimens preserved in resin and every component of each piece is carefully and skilfully chosen for maximum impact.
The pieces that Tweak sells will work really well with the beachwear that is around on the high street. This swag necklace would work well over a maxi dress because of the tiny white beads and beautiful blue beads. Caroline’s bloom necklace is really tropical and reminds you of something you might see in the Caribbean. If you prefer something a bit more tribal this season then you will love this roots necklace. The wooden beads contrast with the coloured beads really well.
Roots seem to be quite important to Caroline in what she creates with the beads. “I see colour combinations everywhere and file them away for use in a piece. I draw inspiration from all aspects of life. My family background is Jamaican and I lived there for a few years. The vibrant colours of the sea and the land are often an inspiration for me. People in Jamaica dress so boldly and women are not afraid to really stand out-in fact, they aspire to it. I am inspired by this boldness. I like pieces to say something to the person wearing it and make her feel unique.”
After a gloomy winter we all need some bright colours in our life. Tweak is the perfect label to brighten up your wardrobe instantly. Head over to the website here, and bring some sunshine into your look.
Jenny Rodgers