Louis Vuitton releases short film Bubbling with Elegance about its second oldest bag

Louis Vuitton released a short film that tells the tale of its second oldest bag. The film – called Bubbling with Elegance – depicts how the bag that was originally created to carry champagne bottles grew to be such a timeless and iconic daily bag.
Louis Vuitton introduces the film with a short illustration of the bag’s origin: “The story of its creation? Well, that’s the stuff of legend. Looking for a stylish way to transport his valuable vintages, a champagne producer placed a special order with Gaston-Louis Vuitton. He designed a timelessly simple bucket shape, which could hold four bottles upright and a fifth upside down, secured with a supple leather drawstring.”
The short film shows all the different variations off the iconic Noé bag, giving the viewer a great example of how a product can stand the test of time. The image of the bag as a “timeless piece” is also subtly represented in the scene where a mother hands her bag out to her daughter. Bubbling with Elegance follows the bag through different periods in time, starting in its year of origin in 1932 and each time making a jump of about 15 years. The nostalgic scenes are filled with sights of Paris, classic fashion items and its leading roll goes to the Noé bag.
Lisa Nederveen
Watch Bubbling with Elegance here: