Gucci taking a new platform with Sound For Change

It all began with Chime For Change – a great cause addressing the importance of women’s education, health and justice. Sponsored by Gucci, and with strong female representatives including existing ambassadors and co-founders Beyoncé Knowles, Salma Hayek and Frida Giannini, Chime for Change had many new names to add to its list for this new campaign such as: Ben Affleck, Gwyneth Paltrow, Julia Roberts, Kylie Minogue and Cameron Diaz.
On 1st June, at the Twickenham Stadium in London, the campaign took a new form as a concert raising around £3 million. The line-up of acts ranged from Beyoncé, Timberland, Jessie J, Rita Ora, Madonna, John Legend, Jennifer Lopez and many more. All influential figures with the same message: help support and fight for women’s rights worldwide.
In Frida’s, the creative director for Gucci, own words about education: “60% of the children not in school are girls, but studies show that investing in girls’ education raises GDP and employment. Providing opportunity for girls improves outcomes not just for them, but also their families, communities and countries.”
Beyoncé points out the significance of sanitary and hygienic environments: “800 women die every day during pregnancy and childbirth but 80% of those deaths could be prevented with proven solutions and access to care. Giving life shouldn’t mean having to risk yours.”
Salma Hayek also fights for women’s justice, saying: “Around the world, girls and women lack the protection and equal opportunity they deserve. Domestic violence and trafficking disproportionately affect women. And in spite of gains, women hold just 21% of seats in national parliaments globally. But given the opportunity, women empower themselves and improve outcomes for their families, communities and countries.”
The advisory board for Chime for Change has assembled leading advocates and experts, NGO and non-profit executives, and global leaders all dedicated to this campaign: Waris Dirie, human rights activist, author of Desert Flower and founder of the Desert Flower Foundation, John Legend, artist and founder of Show Me Campaign, Alicia Keys, artist and co-founder of Keep A Child Alive, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the Nobel laureate and social rights activist, Jada Pinkett-Smith, actress, producer, advocate and founder of Don’t Sell Bodies, Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, Oscar-winning documentary film-maker, Minh Dang, executive director of Don’t Sell Bodies and Survivor of Child Trafficking in the US, Jimmie Briggs, founder of the Man Up Campaign to end violence against women, are just a few of the names behind Gucci’s cause.
So many women worldwide have stories to tell, whether it be about abuse, lack of further education or lack of medical supplies.
There are three steps to help donate towards this campaign:
Step 1- Learn. Through the stories and films on the website, find out more about issues affecting girls and women.
Step 2- Find a project. Discover projects focused on health, education and justice for girls and women around the world.
Step 3- Support a project. Select and fund a project that matters to you.
Help save someone who has far less than you do.
Pooja Sahny
For more information click here.