Happy first birthday Underground shoes

Who can resist an invitation to a birthday party, we know we can’t, so on 19th June we headed to number 8 Berwick Street to join in with the celebrations for Underground shoes’ 1st birthday.
On the hottest evening we’d had so far this year, many of the guests had gathered outside to sit and chat and drink cider provided by Underground, thanks to Brothers Cider. It was a good job that the weather was so nice though, the night was so popular, all the guests wouldn’t have fit inside the store.
Stepping into the shop you were hit by the amazing array of shoes on display, this is certainly not going to be the only birthday for this incredibly strong and unique brand. To accompany our shoe swooning Georgina Langford from District, MTV had created a unique playlist just for the event, and it’s available to listen to on Spotify.
The shoes are varied in shape, style and material and not classified by gender, like ’em, buy ’em, wear ’em. There’s something for almost everyone too, from triple stacked creepers to bright red winklepickers. This is certainly a brand to check out if you want something different, well made and timeless.
To honour brand loyalty everyone who attended the event wearing a pair of Underground shoes was given a £10 voucher. It’s always good to see a company that remembers how important their customers are, and this night was a sign of that. The event was certainly a celebration of 12 months of everything Underground: shoes, staff, shop and customers.
Indra Wignall
For further information check out the Underground website here.