Original recipe of the week: Naughty but nice blueberry and pistachio smoothie

Fancy something naughty but nice this weekend to help it to feel a little like summer? We have been racking our brains to find a recipe that will not only cheer us up in the absence of sunshine, but really give us a sugary boost in this time of gloom.
Packed full of healthy ingredients as well as some naughty ice cream, you really can’t go wrong with this one. Perfect for a Saturday brunch accompaniment or an alternative to coffee, it’s definitely much more than a wake-me-up smoothie.
Naughty but nice blueberry and pistachio smoothie
Makes: 1 serving
Prep time: 1 minute
What you will need:
2 scoops of vanilla ice cream (if you have a particular favourite with some added extras, throw this in too!)
½ pack of fresh blueberries
1 handful of peeled pistachios
1 banana, chopped
2 tbsp agave nectar (can be substituted for honey or maple syrup if you prefer)
What you need to do:
This is a very simple recipe: all you need to do is literally whack everything in the blender, whizz to your desired consistency and you’re good to go… Don’t forget to pour into a glass though!
Bethany Stone