Go Away Grey: the miracle pill to all our grey hair problems

No matter what age you may be, it is an unfortunate occurrence that grey hairs can somehow manipulate their way into our luscious locks, at whatever point in our lives, and it’s not cool.
So many of us tend to spend a ridiculous amount on home-dye kits and salon treatments in an attempt to get rid of these greys, but miraculously, it seems our days of money wasting are over! Believe it or not, there is a pill that is available to take, which actually rids of these unflattering and aging greys… permanently.
The Go Away Grey pill has to be seen and tried to be believed… We have the story of Beth Skelly who was going grey and tried all kinds of things to hide it. “I started off plucking the greys and then I said I’m losing this battle and so then I started dying my hair,” Skelly said. As a big fan of Go Away Grey, she’s been taking two pills a day for about six weeks and now her grey hair is going away! “I’d go to the mirror, I’d look and I’d say ‘wow the greys are NOT coming in. Colour is coming back’, ” said Elizabeth. “Seeing is believing.”
“It’s absolutely 100% safe,” said Cathy Beggan, president of Rise-N-Shine, LLC and founder of Go Away Grey. So, how does it work? Beggan said the secret ingredient is an enzyme called catalase that counteracts our body’s natural production of hydrogen peroxide. When we don’t produce enough catalase, the hydrogen peroxide cannot be broken down. As a result, hair is bleached from the inside out, turning it grey. Go Away Grey puts the catalase back in your body, so it can break down the peroxide.
Marium Ul-Haq
For more details on Go Away Grey and to purchase the product to try for yourself, visit their website here.
The choice – to dye or not to dye:
•More than 5,000 different chemicals are used in various hair dye formulas to achieve the desired hair shade or colour.
• Toxic chemicals from dyes are being rinsed from colourist’s sinks everyday into the waterways and affecting fish and groundwater supplies, creating potential environmental risks.
• Go Away Grey contains 100% natural and safe ingredients.
• It can take up to eight weeks to start seeing the results of Go Away Grey, but they are permanent.
• Go Away Grey pills offer long-lasting results in bringing back natural hair colour while promoting fuller and thicker hair.