Chime for Change: the real-life stories of courage

The three most empowering female figures in the A-List industry have founded an initiative named Chime for Change. Beyonce Knowles, Salma Hayek-Pinault and Frida Giannini have come together in an aim to raise funds and awareness for girls and women’s empowerment. The initiative aims to unite and strengthen the female figure and pushes women to speak for justice.
The non-profit organization has launched a new platform where films, that depict the stories of this courageous, strong group of girls’ and women around the world, will be shared universally. After the success of the Chime for Change concert held at Twickenham Stadium in June, that aimed to promote the cause, it was apparent that this initiative would prove successful. So, after raising awareness of the cause, as well as money, Knowles, Hayek and Giannini decided to actually tell the stories of the issues these brave women have faced.
To mark the launch of the project, five short films were premiered during the Chime for Change concert, all of that were created by Miss Salma. In a statement, Salma Hayek-Pinault stated: “We will shine a spotlight on those who are fighting for education, health and justice for girls and women by sharing stories about real people who are speaking out and rising up to change the course of history…. these films tell intimate, personal stories – but these stories represent universal themes. And now we can all play a part by turning inspiration into action.”
Each of the individual stories presented are an example of how women want to stand up for themselves and want their voice, and stories, to be heard. Through this project, the stereotypical ideal of women being weak and cowardly has been completely eliminated. Women are, and have always been, strong and willing to stand for what they want – these films are a true example of this.
Many high profile and influential names are present in the advisory board for Chime for Change, such as Alicia Keys, Julia Roberts and Meryl Streep. All of these people contribute to raising awareness for the cause and help voice the three main areas of the charity; education, health and justice.
Sasha Hilton