Microsoft to rename SkyDrive due to lawsuit

BSkyB took Microsoft to the High Court over their cloud storage service, Skydrive, stating that the name infringes on their trademark.
In June the judge ruled that the name could be confusing for consumers and Microsoft have now agreed that they will change the name worldwide after a “transition period”.
BSkyB ended their Store & Share service at the end of 2011, but due to the use of “sky” in the Microsoft-branded service many of the public have been calling the BSkyB helplines.
This isn’t the first time that BSkyB have fought cases over their trademark either. Towards the end of 2012 Livescribe had to pull its Sky pen, a digital handwriting recorder pen, from the UK after a legal challenge from BSkyB.
Indra Wignall
For more information on SkyDrive visit the Microsoft site.