Talented Chinese designers exposed at Ninety-eight Bar, Shoreditch
Last night was a soiree of spectacular fashion, fizzing champagne and tasty delights as The Dooors Fashion Management celebrated their launch. The chic affair took place in the fitting Ninety-eight Bar in Shoreditch. This classy and artsy venue provided an excellent backdrop to showcase the work of numerous talented Chinese fashion designers. The Upcoming was there to experience the style and chat to some of the designers.
Following the champagne reception, guests slowly swanned into the main showroom, which presented models, statued in different corners, draped in various designs. It featured the works of Paula Cheng, Jamie Wei Huang, Man Yim, Vingi Wong, Min Wu, Ming Pin Tien and Melissanthi Spei. The contrast of designs throughout the showroom was effective, each style being entirely unique.
The first model to come into glimpse was wearing Jamie Wei Huang’s futuristic design based on Op Art – an art form that plays with geometric forms and irritating effects. The simple yet dramatic headpiece along with the bright tone of the outfit certainly stole people’s attention. Then a quick roll of the eyes and you were led into a divergent world of design. Vingi Wong, whose inspiration comes from illusion, presented colourful, imaginative and fantastical pieces. Although her pieces showcase her creative talent she explained her wishes to develop a collection to suit a more marketable audience or to use elements of her collection to develop a line of accessories.
Paula Cheng, who unfortunately couldn’t make the event as she is currently in Asia for her very first commercial production, stamped her presence with a design from her The Beast Within collection. This collection is inspired by her fascination with man and mythical beasts and their relationship as reflected in Greek mythology and art history. Her intricate design was classy yet seductive, a fantastic choice to portray her collection.
A quick chat to MingPin Tien revealed his design was from his SS13 collection. Ming’s design aesthetic lays on precise, clinical cut and fabrication of different materials. His shoes were remarkable and he indicated they are designed on a regular basis to harmonise the outfit.
The Dooors management set up to maximise the exposure of these young talents. Based in both the UK and China they aim to promote both Chinese and UK designers, Chinese promoted through the London base whilst UK designers are gaining exposure throughout China. The managing director, Sherry Zhang, explained by gaining a wealth of contacts these designers have a great opportunity to gain dramatic exposure. Designer Vingi Wong praised the event as “a great platform to showcase my collection pieces and to meet more people within the industry, and is a really great opportunity to talk about the inspiration behind my works and to have some collaboration opportunity”.
Ultimately, the range of design throughout the evening was exceptional and it truly portrayed a varied artistry. We at The Upcoming wish the designers all the best in their future endeavours.
Michelle McGill