Drawings of proposed Thatcher statue unveiled

Grantham Museum has revealed three proposed designs for a new statue to pay tribute to former prime minister Margaret Thatcher, who passed away earlier this year.
An artist’s impressions of the possible finished statue shows Thatcher standing in two versions, while a third sees the former British PM sitting with her legs folded.
Although the drawings depict the statue in front of a rejuvenated Grantham Museum, its chairman, Helen Goral, explains that where exactly the statue will be erected is yet to be determined.
“The pose and exact location of the statue is undecided, however these initial drawings give the public an indication of the possibilities for this historic project,” Ms Goral said.
Other suggestions for where the statue may stand, or sit, include Grantham’s town square or in Grantham Museum itself, together with other Thatcher exhibits.
“It’s a hugely exciting stage in the project and one that we couldn’t have achieved without support from the local community and further afield,” Ms Goral said.
“The opportunity for Grantham to embrace its rich heritage and exploit it for the good of the town is something that should be welcomed,” she added.
Thatcher, who was raised in Grantham, Lincolnshire, is currently remembered by a plaque, which resides outside her father’s former grocery store. The plaque reads: “The birthplace of the Rt Hon Margaret Thatcher MP, first woman Prime Minister of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.”
Along with the statue, discs engraved with famous quotes from Thatcher are also being considered by the museum. The discs could be featured around the base of the statue, allowing visitors to take home brass impressions of the quotes as a souvenir.
Thatcher died on 8th April after suffering a stroke aged 87. A divisive political and public figure, Thatcher’s death drew thousands of mourners to St Paul’s Cathedral for the funeral, while also inspiring celebrations across the country.
An ultimately unsuccessful online campaign encouraged Thatcher detractors to help the classic Wizard of Oz tune Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead reach number one on the UK Charts.
The Margaret Thatcher Statue Project launched in March 2013, with organisers looking to raise £200,000 for the statue and corresponding renovation project.
The artist impressions of the statues will be available for viewing in the Grantham Museum from next week.
Marc Zanotti