Is shopping better than sex?

Commissioned by the new TV entertainment channel TLC UK, 2000 women in relationships were questioned for a survey. The questions determine under what circumstances women shop and the consequences. The survey outcome was part of the launch of a TV series called the Britain’s Ultimate Shopper, hosted Holly Valance.
Surprisingly enough the results were not as straightforward as retail therapy after a bad day at work. 55% of British women confess than shopping is far more fulfilling than sex.
It gets worse… From these purchased items, one in ten purchases is never worn and sits at the back of the wardrobe. To put it more figuratively, this amounts to £697.23 of unworn goods. The unworn wardrobe can be broken down even further: £478.80 worth of unworn clothing, £89.79 worth of unworn shoes and £128.64 worth of unused handbags. Sounds familiar to anyone?
Did you know that a third of shopping trips with partners end in a row? Supposedly our love for shopping can often cause of friction in a relationship, leading to a heated row. Imagine that 45 minutes mark being the average length of time British couples can shop together before tensions arise. Is that really our time limit?
This is why the majority of women choose friends and family members as their ideal shopping companions. The home needs to remain tranquil and calm, not tense. 44% shop with friends while 40% prefer to shop solo.
There is really more to shopping than meets the eye. Holly Valance explains: “For many of us ladies, a great day out at the shops is the ultimate indulgent guilty pleasure. The odd impulse buy that never gets worn is a small price to pay given how much satisfaction a spot of retail therapy can give! We hope our new series ‘Ultimate Shopper’ will remind people just how much fun shopping can be and how incredible British high-street fashion is.”
Think about it, have you ever gone shopping with your partner and bribed him with a snack or beer to please him to continue your shopping spree? Well, on average women said their ideal trip would last an hour and a half, while their male partners can only last an hour before getting visibly bored. A third of women admitted they have used food as a treat to raise their partner’s mood while shopping – supporting the notion that the way to a man’s heart is indeed through his stomach! Alcohol follows in second place with women bribing their partner with beverages and the promise of sex takes third place. Clever women!
Shopping comes down to one important factor – money. You either have it or you don’t. Putting something on your credit card is easy to forget about. 27% of the women surveyed confess to habitual bouts of guilt about the amount they spend while shopping.
Is shopping the definitive adrenaline rush we all seek?
Pooja Sahny