Jamie Dornan to play Christian Grey in Fifty Shades film

Fear not Fifty fans, for our new Mr Grey has been revealed, and he doesn’t disappoint. E.L James has confirmed that the rather handsome Jamie Dornan has been given the lead role in the much-anticipated film adaptation of Fifty Shades of Grey.
It was always going to be hard to find an actor to play the naughty lothario Christian Grey in the upcoming Fifty Shades of Grey films. We thought we’d found him in Sons of Anarchy star Charlie Hunnam, only to discover the actor chose to turn down the role last month.
E.L James, author of the best-selling trilogy, which took the female population by storm only two years ago, tweeted: “Stow your twitchy palms ladies…our man is here. Welcome to #TeamFifty @JamieDornan1 x.”
So who is this man that is set to steal our hearts when the film’s released next year? Well you may recognise Dornan from the BBC’s five-part-drama The Fall, in which we saw his slightly unhinged side as he played sadistic murderer Paul Spector, who by day was a father-of-two working as a bereavement counsellor. A role that might serve as inspiration for parts of Christian Grey’s dark character.
The Belfast boy also has a successful modelling career. You will be forgiven for not instantly recognising his face, as steamy underwear modelling campaigns for Calvin Klein saw him getting up close and very personal with Eva Mendes and Kate Moss, making the most of Dornan’s, erm, other assets? He has also modelled for Armani, Aquascutum and high-street favourites, Zara and Banana Republic.
There’s no doubt that Dornan will portray Christian Grey as every woman has imagined him to be. The fact that he isn’t too well known gives him that mysterious edge, one of Grey’s alluring qualities. Physically speaking E. L James could have been describing either Dornan or Grey, as they both share “smoldering” grey eyes, dark copper-coloured hair and a physique to make you swoon. As Anastasia Steele puts it: “He is not merely good looking—he is the epitome of male beauty, breathtaking.”
Hollie Bracciale
Photos: Courtesy of Calvin Klein
The film adaptation of Fifty Shades of Grey should be on the big screen August 2014.