London Collections: Men – Thomas Pink A/W 2014 showcase

A rainy end to the first day of the London Collections: Men did not seem to taint the atmosphere at the Institute of Contemporary Arts, as Thomas Pink gave a delightful insight into their autumn/winter 2014 collection. The grand entrance after walking down The Mall played home to some characteristic pop art and an intriguing choice of directions which would lead to the wonders of the Thomas Pink world.
If you chose right, you entered a cocktail heaven. After simply collecting a fox head token, you were presented with what posed as a white front door. Inserting the token and knocking on the door caused a pink gin cocktail to pour from a magical alcoholic spout, courtesy of Thomas Pink’s collaboration with Bompass & Parr. The team worked with art director Anna Lomax to recreate the earliest vending machine known to mankind and truly make an impact at the event.
If you chose left, you were presented with scaffolding scattered with dapper, yet somewhat relaxed gentlemen. We use the word gentlemen, as they were exactly that, of all ages, adding an ultimate sense of cool to the presentation. Beenie hats were teamed with shirts, braces and ties. Bright shades of red made for a prim and proper look but somehow, Thomas Pink managed to make smart become industrial. The models stood chatting to one another, leaning against the metal poles in their checked, striped and squared shirts. Teals and magentas were teamed alongside more neutral colours adding a splash of chirpiness to this charming collection.
Kellie Griffiths
Watch the video for the Thomas Pink A/W 2014 catwalk show here: