Frank Turner at the O2 Arena

Former Million Dead vocalist and star of the London Olympics opening ceremony, Frank Turner has had a sensational year following the release of his fifth studio album Tape Deck Heart in April and a sold-out tour of the UK with his trusty band The Sleeping Souls. With the support of American-Irish folk rockers Flogging Molly, tonight’s gig at the O2 arena is the biggest headline show he’s ever done – and with some fans sat eagerly waiting outside since 9am, we’re expecting this will be the best show he’s ever done, too.
Turner exploded on to the stage to the raucous applause of the thousands gathered at the O2, opening the set with the old favourite Photosynthesis. An acoustic rendition of I am Disappeared had the crowd waving their lighters in the air as Frank sang about “Amy, who worked in a bar in Exeter.” What was immediately apparent was Turner’s ability to make the gargantuan O2 arena feel like a small, cosy pub – although the venue is enormous, Frank’s charming presence, witty anecdotes and interaction with the crowd made us forget where we were, and suddenly it was just us catching up with our old friend from Winchester.
Turner remarked that he “never wanted to be one of those bands who only play their new stuff”, and so we were treated to classics To Take You Home (about a Parisian girl who dumped him, to which he chuckled – “I win!”), I Still Believe and Wessex Boy along with newer tracks Polaroid Picture and Recovery, which inspired moshing and jumping at the front in an attempt to beat the Nottingham crowd’s high score for “crowd participation”.
By the end of the night we all had GCSEs in crowd involvement and even fonder feelings towards our favourite folk rocker. Frank Turner and The Sleeping Souls are keeping live music alive – just the way it should be.
Gemma Whitfield
For further information and future events visit Frank Turner’s website here.
Watch the video for Recovery here: