Original recipe of the week: Bacon Jam

The popularity of comfort food and American comfort classics has really taken off over the last two years in a big big way. From burgers to hot dogs to macaroni and cheese – you name it, we’ve eaten it. However this isn’t your standard fare by any means, pimped up to the max and brimming with flavour from restaurants to food joints, you are sure to taste somethings truly original. Why not bring this new craze home? Pimp up your homemade burgers with something super tasty. Why not try bacon jam..yes bacon jam – a little weird no?
Bacon Jam
Serves: 4
Cook time: 20 mins
What you will need:
100g pancetta
2tbsp brewed instant coffee
The juice of half a lemon
3tbsp maple syrup
3tbsp tomato puree
1 small onion finely diced
1 clove of garlic crushed
Salt and pepper to taste
What you need to do:
- Gently sweat your onions and garlic in a little oil until soft. Now add in the pancetta.
- Fry with the onions and garlic until crispy on a medium heat. Now reduce the heat and cover with a small pan lid. Keep this covered for about 5 mins. When you remove the lid the mix should have combined together slightly and sweated down.
- Now add in the rest of the ingredients. Mix together and replace the lid for a further 5 mins.
- Now remove the lid as so to cook off excess water or moisture, you can turn up the heat slightly if you wish.
- Once this mix has almost melted together and reduced nicely, you are ready to go. If transfered to an airtight container when cool this will keep up to a week in the fridge or use immediatley for total satisfaction.
Bethany stone